Q&A with Father McShurley

Q&A with Father McShurley

Victor O'Neill Studios

Rev. Peter McShurley

Question: “Does God forgive all people?”

God wants to forgive every person so much, no matter what their sin. No person is beyond saving and beyond forgiveness. In fact, God not only forgives all people, but also asks us to forgive all people as well. The problem is that sometimes we don’t want to accept God’s forgiveness. Accepting God’s forgiveness requires some vulnerability. We are letting Him into our woundedness and showing it to Him. If we don’t show it to Him, we can’t receive His healing forgiveness. Sometimes we are like Adam and Eve in the garden after they sinned. We want to hide from God thinking it will be easier if we just hide our sins away. However, we can never be truly happy that way. In order to have peace we need forgiveness, and this is why Jesus gave us the sacrament of confession, so that we can bring our sins into the light and be forgiven and healed.