Final Letter From the Managing Editor

Final Letter From the Managing Editor

Dear Bishop O’Connell Community,

Another year has drawn to a close, and the Class of 2023 has prepared themselves for  graduation and are ready to start a new chapter in their lives through college. Despite all of the challenges life has thrown at us throughout our time here at O’Connell, we have all remained strong and closer than ever before. Covid-19 took our first-ever Superdance back in the spring of 2020, and it kept us from socializing properly during our sophomore year. I believe that experience helped us all understand that being close with one another is so crucial, especially because we will all be going our separate ways this upcoming fall. 

With that being said, I would like to send this message to all of you who have supported me, my fellow classmates, and especially the rest of the Visor members who have worked hard  preparing articles for the Visor website. I sincerely thank you for reading our articles here and I hope that the future of the Visor will continue to prosper and be successful. While I may be stepping down from my position, I know for sure that our current underclassmen will continue to push out successful articles and lead our future members of the Visor. I hope that everyone here will continue to strive in faith and excellence for years to come.

Have a blessed summer, and I wish the best for the future of Bishop O’Connell.


John Agtarap, Managing Editor of the Visor