What Makes O’Connell, “O’Connell?”

Diego Rodriguez, Entertainment Editor

The Bishop O’Connell student body has some interesting ideas on what makes the school what it is. From my vast questioning, the most common answer was the community. Everyone comes to O’Connell for their friends, their teachers, and their relationships with each other. That goes to show how good the community here has been built. The second most popular answers were lunch and Knight Time. There is no doubt that these are great periods we use to chat with friends, eat, and catch-up on work. Truly a great use of a Knight Time. 

You can’t be yourself, by yourself. The main reason why students believed the community was the most important part of the school was that their friends are a huge part of their high school experience. I know that I enjoy the connection of friends I’ve made in school. I would always hangout with them after school and even go on long trips with them too. I’m sure that that can be said for nearly everyone in the community.

Let’s remember that the O’Connell student body knows that their community is the most important part of the school. Who we surround ourselves with is the driving factor behind why we work so hard and become who we become. Everyone likes seeing their friends in an environment that is meant to be challenging and they bask in the glory of being a Knight.

Out of all of the answers I got, one really stood out to me as the way they explained their answer to me was mesmerizing. They asked to not be credited. Their answer was, “I came to this school so I can learn, experience and grow. I want to get better every other day I walk through the door.” I’ll leave you with that.